Free 37 Vintage Elements Photoshop Brushes

More vintage magazines founded in flea markets in Paris that i want to share with you. Vintage illustrations from the 30s. Woman and man models, vintage objects and ornaments.Hoping that they can be useful for your artworks.
  • A set of exclusive 37 brushes
  • Size (728px to 3560 px)
  • ABR files + PNG
  • Ready to use on your mobile favourite apps and desktop softwares.

Vintage art is a popular source of inspiration for graphic designers. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important is that vintage art often contains strong and interesting visual elements that can be used to create stunning and eye-catching designs.

In addition, it has a strong sense of style and personality, which can be a great source of inspiration for creating your own unique designs. Finally, vintage art can also be a great way to add a touch of history and tradition to your work, which can make it even more special and memorable.

These Photoshop brushes are available for free download and can help you create vintage-inspired designs. Just click the button below :)
