Military Reminder Book (1938)

A french Memory Aid for Military Preparation old book from 1938. 

Written by Captain M. Chocquet on the education and training of the future soldier. 
A Memorandum for Candidates for the Basic and Higher Military Preparation Certificate. Summary of Military Preparation courses and all the tests to be passed.

In the army, we teach the soldier to fight, but also to think. We teach him to be disciplined and obedient, but also to be independent and self-confident. We teach him how to behave in public and how to conduct himself when he's alone. And above all else, we teach him how to live. The army's basic military training is both a physical and mental challenge, but with proper preparation and perseverance, it can be overcome. That's what this book is teaching; not only how to prepare a soldier but how to be a good citizen.
